Blixøya Ringmærkningsstation |
2015-10-03 | |||
Grey-headed woodpecker Picus canus is a new species ringed today at Blixøya Ringing Station. It is a long time since the last new ringed species, and the one today brings the total to 95 species ringed at Blixøya! |
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2010-05-08 | |||
Tawny Owl Strix aluco is breeding at Blixøya Ringing Station for the first year. The female was ringed today and brings the total to 91 species ringed. |
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2009-09-07 | |||
Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria was caught today and is the 90th species ringed at Blixøya Ringing Station. |
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2009-07-21 | |||
An early Bluethroat Luscinia svecica was caught during the first days of ringing this autumn. |
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2009-07-19 | |||
The Marsh Warbler Acrocephalus palustris controlled at Lågskär, Åland in Finland 2007-06-09 was Norways second recovery of a Marsh Warbler abroad, and also the oldest Marsh Warbler ringed in Norway (3 years and 10 months). |
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2006-07-24 | |||
Grønspætte Picus viridis har aldrig før været fanget på Blixøya og blev først ringmærket den 24 juli 2006. Det samlede tal er nu 89 ringmærkede arter. |
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2005-04-10 | |||
Dværgfalk Falco columbarius er fanget kun én gang, selv om det vandrer gennem området både forår og efterår. Det blev først ringet den 10 april 2005. |
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2003-08-24 | |||
Hortulan Emberiza hortulana er så langt den sjældneste fugl fanget på Blixøya og blev fanget den 24 august 2003. |